Opinion: Racial Microagressions

It's annoying , offensive and could easily be avoided. The only thing was that it was received more negatively than positively. People assumed I was too sensitive, or that I couldn't "take a joke". That is probably the worst part of everything; people thinking that my feelings aren't valid.

Trying something new…

There are so many things that happened in 2017 that I just wasn't ready to move on from or erase from my life. Generic "New Years Resolutions" such as 'lose some weight (see also: go to gym more and eat better)' and 'do better in school' were only a few things that I had on my 2017 New Years resolution list.

How to Beat the Exam Blues

It's that time again! For most university students, it's that time of the year that crept up way too fast; the time of the year when you can see all your assignments piling up, and due dates approaching, but you just want to curl up in bed with your laptop and Netflix it out. I... Continue Reading →

DIY Fairy Lights (for $15.00!)

So it's been a while.... but not really. I just wanted to share this really easy DIY with you all. I can't and refuse to take the credit for this one because I have followed the inspiration for this DIY since high school! Click here for Weylie's video. Weylie is like your best friend when... Continue Reading →

35th Fringe Festival x WORKHALL Studio

This past weekend I indulged in the 35th Annual Fringe Festival in Edmonton with Darryl (ofc) and my friend Priya. If you are from Edmonton, you know that the Fringe is a pretty big deal around here. There's live street shows, vendors, buskers, even moving statues! The main events of course are the shows. Last... Continue Reading →

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